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Dr. Zarmina Gul
Dr. Asad Marwat


Radiation safety practices plays a pivotal role among the professionals who work with ionizing radiation equipment. Safety practices like lead aprons have the advantage of protecting from radiation hazards but are reported to cause other occupational hazards. So a safety practice without compromising the regular activities is essential. The aim and objective of the study are to assess the radiation safety practice and hassles faced by dental professionals through a questionnaire study. Then to assess whether such radiation safety practices by the dental professionals suffer from any related occupational hazards which is affecting their regular activities. A questionnaire study was conducted among two hundred and ten dental professionals. The questionnaire consisted of 15 questions which were structured to assess the radiation safety practice, difficulties faced, and hazards suffered to implement such practice. The responses were recorded and statistically analyzed. The results depicted that most of the professionals follow radiation safety practices in the work area. Most of the dentist suffered from pain using aprons affecting their day-to-day activities. The study depicts that dental professionals require awareness regarding the handling and storage of their protective equipment like lead aprons. To protect the apron from occult damage resulting in chronic radiation injury. The further thickness of the apron should be considered before use which in turn impacts weight and affects the musculoskeletal component.

Article Details

How to Cite
RADIATION SAFETY AND CHALLENGES AMONG DENTAL PROFESSIONALS. (2023). . Frontier in Medical and Health Research. ISSN (e) 3007-1607 (p) 3007-1593, 1(3), 29-36. http://fmhr.org/index.php/fmhr/article/view/9

How to Cite

RADIATION SAFETY AND CHALLENGES AMONG DENTAL PROFESSIONALS. (2023). . Frontier in Medical and Health Research. ISSN (e) 3007-1607 (p) 3007-1593, 1(3), 29-36. http://fmhr.org/index.php/fmhr/article/view/9